Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I just love them arnt they beautiful!



Dress Up

The girls love to Dress up

The Tent

Uncle Raul made a huge tent for the kids it spanned the whole play room and used a lot of blankets. The kids loved it and had a blast playing in it for hours and hours. Way to go Uncle Raul!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Just Wanna say HI GRANDMA

And Grandpa and all my Aunties and All my Uncles and All my Cousins I LOVE YOU


Arieana CUT HER HAIR!! all kids seem to do it but she did it a week before her Uncles wedding and everyone was so sad...... except her. But man oh man she is still a cutie.

Care Bear

Carolynn looks so cute her sister tied a napkin around her head and we just had to have a photo!

Marques's Birthday He is TWO!!

My so sweet little Nephew turned two on July 23rd and we had our traditional family Birthday party for him. It was fun and HOT. Enjoy the Photos

Back online

We are back on the net with a new computer and the printer is working so I can blog again Yeah, Our other computer had a nasty virius and wouldnt stay on. We miss all of you and Hope you havent givin upon this blog spot.