Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Just some cute photos

Computer repair Danny and Tommy style

Daddyy let the boy's play with some left over computer parts and they had a great time "fixing" things.

piano recital 2009

The girls had there semi-anniual piano recital on Saterday July 20th. They are both growing and doing such a great job in piano and we couldent be more proud of there progress!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Gavynn and, Grandpa Jims birthday and Fathers Day

Happy Birthday Gavynn and Grandpa Jim and Happy Fathers day to all my faviorate dads!!

2009 Super soaker Sunday

The church had there annuial Super Soaker Sunday and Ice Cream party. The kids had a great time. I didnt go but i did start labor that night!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Alaura Jane

I am so glad to be home with a healthy baby and all her sisters and brothers are very happy too.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We are home with...

A few shots for now more to come!!

Alaura Jane Edmonds
6 lbs 7 oz
20 in.