Friday, February 27, 2009

Dead Horse Campout

We went for three days to Dead Horse state park to camp and fish. We had a lot of fun hiking and boating and just playing. Kat and I got sick and we had to go home a little early but all and all we had a great time.

We went to Jerome on the way home because of this econemy it was the very last day that the state park would be open. We had a lot of fun looking at all the mining stuff and learning all the history of this small Arizona town.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We Are DONE!!!

We have been collecting these since Alyssa was born and we now have a full set. Yeah!!

Good morning Edmonds kids

These are just a few shots of the kids first thing in the morning. Alyssa and Kat are putting away laundry, Carolynn is just trying to get her bearings and the boys are well wrestling (as always)!!

Men and boys camp out

David took Daniel and Gavynn on an overnight Men and Boys camp out. They had a lot of fun Hicking, Eating, Fellowshipping, Throwing knifes and even shooting guns at the fiering range.Tommy cannot wait until next year when he is old enough to go. It is always agreat time for the Men and boys!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009


We will be having a little baby girl around July 5th 2009. We are very happy and can't wait to meet the new Edmonds baby.
The ultra-sound looked great and the baby appears to be very healthy and active. The pregnancey is going great and all looks well!
We will most likely name our new baby Alaura Jane Edmonds