She was givin two different dolls from Grandma Suzanne and Grandpa Jim, Doll house furniture from AUnt Cyndi and Uncle Raul, along with a whole host of fun stuff from all the kids. She was sent a Tea set from Gamma Jane and Pappa Tom, $15 from Aunt Joce and Uncle Tylar, and a new Radieo CD player with a Betrix Pottor Book on tape from Aunt Michele and Uncle Mike Grandma Kat and I went to eat at Maccioes and the ballon man made her a ballon and then we went to see a Christmas story. We also went to Targot and she picked out stuff for her purse and some hair things, and a pair of earings, and a walett.
We had a little party for Mom and Raul for there birthday. It was nice. They each got The Word of Promise audio bible. It is very good! Matt and Holly came on the 31st and it was SOOO nice to see them!! Love you guys
OK I ordered this six weeks ago and it came and here it is. I like it a lot but the color is not what I wanted so now I have to decide weather or not to dye it or just leave it? I don't know what do you think?