We moved into a nice home out in Buckeye Arizona the location is great near wonderful friends and close to family. Only twenty miles to my husbands work and church. We have five children ages nine, seven, four, three, and one we also have Ina my great aunt she is eighty-one I just turned twenty-nine and David my hubby is thirty. We have been married for almost ten years. We homeschool our children and plan to do so until they are done with school. I thought I'd blogg a little bit to share stories and have sorta a journal for my kids and family. I also want to learn how to post photos. My sister is a blogger and I LOVE to read her blogg. Things you may notice about me first off I cant spell at all s o if things are spelled wrong I'll say sorry now and I hope you keep reading anyway. Also my family and church are my life so thats what I plan to write about most of the time.